Length: 7,786 m. – Positive difference in height: 229 m. – Negative height difference: 229 m. – Starting altitude: 1320 m. – Arrival altitude: 1505 m.

Marked in green color and white – red (GR)

This itinerary mainly develops on the Footpath of Paradise and on the Path of the Roses (better known as the Canal Walk) through the hamlets Melezet and Les Arnauds and, given its exposure to the East, offers an atypical observation point on the village of Bardonecchia.

Runnable in both directions (only the Path of the Roses is crossable, paying attention, during the winter) is marked in an anti-clockwise direction.

Small sections exposed and equipped on the Path of Paradise.

Water points in the villages and on the Path of Roses.

BST Urban Paradiso - Urban 2 7.5 km – 220 D+
BST Urban Vie Du Vio – Urban 1 (5.5 km – 150 D+)


Min Elevation: 1319 m

Max Elevation: 1508 m

Total Elevation Gain: 450 m