Shops and services ; Clothes, Shoes and Accessories shops ; Furniture and Antiques shops ; Gift shops ; Home items ; Book shops and News stands ; Food and Wine shops ; Mountain shopping and Souvenirs ; Real estate agencies ; Insurance companies ; Pharmacy and Parapharmacy ; Beauty centres ; Clothes, Shoes and Accessories shops ; Furniture and Antiques shops ; Gift shops ; Home items ; Book shops and News stands ; Food and Wine shops ; Mountain shopping and Souvenirs ; Real estate agencies ; Insurance companies ; Pharmacy and Parapharmacy ; Beauty centres Clothes, Shoes and Accessories shops 04 ZEROQUATTRO CENTRO ROSSIGNOL - ROSSI CRAZY STORE BARDONECCHIA GIOVANNI CALZATURE E ACCESSORI J3 STORE MONTAGNARD OLIVER QUKAREN SPORT ROBE DI KAPPA 86 ROBERTA MODA E CASA SIMONA GIOIELLI SKI SPORT DAIN - RENT AND GO SNO7 Furniture and Antiques shops ANTIQUES LA PIAZZETTA BAESSO NICOLE FORNITURES SELLER Gift shops 10052 STORE J3 STORE KIRIOU LA GABBIANELLA LA GUGLIA ROSSA - NEWSPAPERS & STATIONERY SHOP LE CANDELE DI SCARABOCC ROBERTA MODA E CASA SIMONA GIOIELLI Home items ROBERTA MODA E CASA Book shops and News stands LA GUGLIA ROSSA - NEWSPAPERS & STATIONERY SHOP Food and Wine shops LE VIE DEL GUSTO NATTA BARDONECCHIA GASTRONOMIA SUPERMERCATO DESPAR EXPRESS Mountain shopping and Souvenirs 10052 STORE BAESSO NICOLE FORNITURES SELLER KIRIOU LE VIE DEL GUSTO ROBERTA MODA E CASA Real estate agencies AREA CASA ESTATE FIMINTER IMMOBILI BARDONECCHIA FUTURA IMMOBILIARE GLOBAL CASA GRUPPO IMMOBILIARE BARDONECCHIA MAISON D’OC REAL ESTATE AGENCY PINELLI M. BEATRICE PROGIPOL COSTRUZIONI TECNOCASA Insurance companies Pharmacy and Parapharmacy FARMACIA DE NICOLA PHARMACY COMUNALE BORGO VECCHIO Beauty centres AESTHETICA